Sendhelper Singapore Launches Android and iOS Apps
Sendhelper Singapore has just made it simpler for people to hire part time professional cleaners at the tap of a button. Sendhelper has launched Android and iOS apps that enable users to simply click a button to obtain help when they need it to clean their homes. The app will ensure that professional, part-time cleaners are available on schedule.
The apps have many user-friendly features such as an ability to remember and store the address of the home that needs to be cleaned. It also has a provision for users to enter a second address if they want more than one location cleaned.
The app lets users specify the time and number of hours for which they need the cleaning help. Moreover, one can easily track the service by clicking a button to find if a helper or cleaner has been assigned. The rate charged and the amount payable are also made available online through the app.
Secure Payment
The mobile app as convenient as it also lets users pay for the cleaning service through the payment gateway. Users need to enter credit card or other payment details only once, and the app will remember and keep track of this information.
Convenience at the Fingertips
The mobile apps offer convenience at the fingertips for busy people who want to keep their homes clean even as they focus on other aspects of their lives. Once a user has entered their address and payment details, they can easily schedule part time cleaning services as and when they need with a few simple taps. It is possible to schedule a cleaner in seconds and just sit back and relax.
The professional cleaning service offered by Sendhelper in Singapore is a boon to busy professionals and home makers, who can now use a mobile device to send their request and schedule a cleaning service. This is much simpler that calling up a cleaning service, providing the address, and scheduling the cleaning. Instead, one can now just key in the requisite information with ease, at their own convenience and get the cleaners to arrive as per schedule.
The Sendhelper app ensures that customers do not have to wait on hold to schedule a cleaner or confirm the assignment. Instead, they can just tap on the app for the required information.
No Cash Transactions
Another advantage with the Sendhelper app is that users do not have to keep cash at home to pay for the cleaning services. Once the cleaner has completed the task, the mobile app with automatically debit the charges from the credit card preferred by the client. This again simplifies matters for the client who does not have to worry about the cash, bills, and receipts. Instead, the automatic deduction of charges means that customers just need to enter regular information once. Future requests for cleaning service are simpler with the client only needing to enter in the time and number of hours for which the cleaning service is needed.