Do Singaporean Households Need Part-time Domestic Help?

June 14, 2024

An aspect well-known to the world about Singapore is that the lives of most people here grapple with the dual pressures of career advancement and traditional family roles. In our country’s fast-paced urban environment, the changing nature of the involvement of domestic help in homes significantly intersects with the complexities of modern living and socio-economic shifts. For many among us, the allure of part-time domestic assistance extends beyond convenience these days — it balances our efficiency with familial and cultural ethos. In the last few years, part-time domestic help in Singapore has been widely emerging as a service we often avail at our homes, and it has turned out to be a crucial component in the architecture of urban home management here.  

Our nation’s strict social norms and the rising cost of living demand a meticulous approach to integrating these services. However, it should be something that we should consider more than ever, as hiring a part-time helper can save us around $9,000 annually. We need to understand the reasons that propel the increasing reliance on part-time domestic help, unpack the frictions it encounters, and unfold the compelling socio-economic narratives that advocate for its integration into the fabric of Singaporean households. Come, let’s explore how these services are shaping the contours of daily life, ensuring compliance with personal values while enhancing the quality of living and adhering to the practical demands of modernity at the same time.

The Need for Part-time Domestic Help in Modern Singapore

This image has been taken from Pexels.

The combination of a thriving economy, technological progress, and significant social transformations in our nation has amplified the need for part-time domestic help. As dual-income families around us become the norm and living spaces shrink, part-time helpers in Singapore provide the essential support we need — they enable us to balance modern work demands with domestic responsibilities. Here is a closer look at why we need to consider needing part-time helpers at homes more.  

Economic and Social Shifts

Our country’s economy is characterised by high workforce participation and competitive industries, leaving both men and women to extend work commitments — this leaves limited time for domestic responsibilities. This shift from traditional single-earner households to dual-income families has intensified the demand for domestic help as maintaining a clean and orderly home becomes challenging amidst the pressures of modern urban life. The growth in part-time employment opportunities in Singapore also reflects a flexible labour market that adapts to our household needs — this provides options that were not available a generation ago.

Technological Advancements and Lifestyle Changes

The integration of technology in everyday life through initiatives for the country to become a Smart Nation and the shift towards more sophisticated lifestyle expectations have also played a role here. As our homes become equipped with high-tech appliances and systems, the skill set required for proper maintenance and management has evolved. Part-time domestic help that can handle these modern complexities becomes an asset to families who might not have the time or expertise to manage such tasks on their own.

Increased Female Workforce Participation

The Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) for women in Singapore has seen a steady increase. It has reached 78.6% for women aged 25 to 64 by 2021. This rise in female workforce participation has brought about a significant cultural shift in domestic roles. Women, who were once traditionally seen as the primary caretakers of the home, are now contributing equally to the economic sphere — this necessitates a redistribution of domestic labour. Part-time domestic help fills this gap and enables women in Singapore to pursue their careers without forgoing the management of their household duties.

Demographic Changes

Our country’s demographic trends indicate an ageing population juxtaposed with declining birth rates, and this is placing unique pressures on the working-age population. The phenomenon often referred to as the "sandwich generation," where adults care for their ageing parents while supporting their own children, is prevalent. Part-time domestic help serves as a crucial support structure as they offer flexible caregiving solutions that adjust to family needs without the logistics and costs associated with live-in help.

Urbanisation and Housing Trends

As our nation continues to urbanise, living spaces are becoming more compact, with many residents living in high-rise apartments in Singapore where space is at a premium. The logistical constraints of accommodating live-in help in such settings make part-time assistance a more practical solution. This trend is accompanied by a growing preference for privacy and minimalism – it aligns with the benefits offered by part-time domestic help.

Understanding the Friction: Cultural Resistance and Privacy Concerns

This image has been taken from Unsplash.

The practice of hiring domestic help in Singapore is complicated by cultural hesitations and privacy concerns. There are also many more factors and social perceptions that link domestic help to affluence, which creates barriers for middle-income families who might benefit from such services but are wary of societal judgment. Let’s look at those.

Cultural Hesitations

Many Singaporean households that have members of older generations hold reservations about inviting outsiders into their private spaces. Traditional values favour familial caregiving and self-reliance in domestic chores. Stories of discomfort about strangers handling personal items or being privy to intimate family dynamics are common.

Privacy and Trust Issues

Privacy concerns extend beyond the physical presence of helpers in the home to issues surrounding data security and personal information. In an era where information is easily transmitted and stored, ensuring the confidentiality of household affairs when employing part-time help is a significant concern. The integration of smart home technologies that often capture and store data about home activities adds another layer of complexity to these privacy issues. Overcoming these requires rigorous screening processes along with clear agreements about the boundaries and expectations regarding privacy.

Social Perceptions and Stigma

There is also a social stigma associated with employing domestic help. Many people think it can be seen as a status symbol or an indication of affluence that might not sit well in a society that values modesty and uniformity. This perception can deter middle-income families from seeking help even when it is needed. They often fear how peers and neighbours might view it.

Integration Challenges

The integration of a part-time helper into the family dynamic poses challenges, especially when there is a cultural or language barrier. Effective communication is essential to ensure that household norms and expectations are clearly understood and met. Training and ongoing dialogue between the employer and the helper can mitigate these issues as it fosters a more harmonious working relationship.

The Practical Benefits of Part-time Domestic Help at Home in Singapore

This image has been taken from Pexels.

Part-time domestic help in Singapore brings several practical benefits to modern households.  


Part-time domestic help offers a financially viable solution for families residing in the spatial constraints typical of Singaporean housing like HDB flats and private condominiums. Families can avoid the full-time costs associated with live-in maids, such as additional food, lodging, and utilities, while employing part-time domestic helpers. This makes it a more sustainable option in Singapore’s high-cost living environment.

Work-Life Balance

Engaging part-time domestic help significantly enhances quality of life by managing routine chores, thus freeing up valuable time for family, hobbies, and personal pursuits. This support allows families to achieve a healthier work-life balance, reducing stress and improving mental well-being, which is crucial in today's fast-paced society.

Customisable Schedules

The flexibility offered by part-time help is particularly valuable as it allows families to schedule help according to their specific needs and lifestyles. Whether it is daily cleaning, meal preparation, or intermittent caregiving, part-time helpers can adapt to varying schedules. They can provide support exactly when it is needed without the continuous presence that live-in arrangements require.

Support for Families with Children

Part-time domestic helpers can be pivotal for families with children. Helpers can assist with childcare during critical hours, help with school runs, or manage after-school activities. This support is invaluable for parents who are managing careers and childcare as it provides peace of mind that their children are cared for in their absence.

Enhanced Child Development

Having part-time help can also contribute positively to a child's development. Helpers can engage children in educational activities, oversee homework, or facilitate playtime — this ensures children receive attentive and constructive interaction. This support also helps nurture well-rounded children while allowing parents to balance their professional and personal responsibilities effectively.

Strategies to Adopt While Availing Services of Part-time Helpers in Singapore  

This image has been taken from Pexels.

Maintaining a balanced home life while managing professional responsibilities can be a daunting task for many Singaporean families in today’s fast-paced environment. Leading providers of trusted home services in Singapore, such as Sendhelper, understand the complexities involved. They offer seamless solutions to integrate part-time domestic help into homes efficiently and respectfully and overcome the barriers we have discussed above. Here is what we need to keep in mind.

Vetting and Hiring through Reputable Agencies

Ensuring the reliability and professionalism of the helper is paramount when it comes to hiring part-time help. Sendhelper alleviates these concerns by offering a rigorously vetted pool of domestic helpers. Each candidate undergoes a comprehensive background check and skill assessment to ensure they meet the high standards expected by Singaporean households. Families can bypass the time-consuming and often overwhelming process of individual vetting when they rely on Sendhelper for this. They help us gain peace of mind with the knowledge that they are bringing a trusted individual into our home.

Leveraging Community and Social Proof

The decision to invite a part-time helper into our home is significant and often guided by the reassurance of positive community feedback. Sendhelper's robust platform features user reviews and ratings — it provides new clients with transparent and honest insights from other families. This helps make an informed decision and builds a community of trust and shared values, which is crucial for maintaining high service standards.

Flexible Scheduling Options

With Sendhelper’s options for weekly and bi-weekly cleaning services, families can choose the frequency that best suits their lifestyle and budget. Each plan ensures professional cleaning services at competitive rates. For households needing regular upkeep, weekly cleaning service from $25 per hour offers professional repeat cleaning — this ensures that the same cleaner is available every time for familiarity and efficiency.  

Ensuring Clear Communication and Set Expectations

Clear communication is the cornerstone of a successful employer-helper relationship. Top brands like Sendhelper facilitate this by providing a clear outline of job expectations, responsibilities, and cultural preferences before the engagement begins. This proactive communication ensures that both parties have aligned expectations and contributes to a harmonious working environment.

Promoting Cultural Sensitivity and Integration

Reputed organisations like Sendhelper place a high emphasis on cultural sensitivity too after recognising the multicultural fabric of Singapore. The platform provides resources and training for helpers to understand the cultural nuances of their employers. On top of that, Sendhelper encourages families to share their specific cultural practices with their helpers — this fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Embracing Helpers in Singapore for a Fulfilling Life

The shift towards part-time domestic help in Singapore reflects broader global trends of flexibility and economic efficiency. As more families in Singapore wade through their busy, complex lives, the advantages of part-time domestic assistance from award-winning brands for home services such as the Sendhelper become increasingly clear — from economic savings to improved quality of life. Adapting to and embracing this change can lead to a sustainable domestic management model that supports the well-being of our families.  

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