Mattress Blood Stain Removal Tips: How to Remove Blood Stains from Mattress

April 29, 2024

We would probably do everything to keep our mattress super clean and fresh after bringing it home from the stores. However, it is natural that these mattresses might have to deal with stubborn stains along the way. Despite the best efforts from our side, stains can happen on our mattresses. When it comes to blood, it is not just the stains you will have to deal with, but the bacteria too if you do not treat it properly. All of these can affect the quality of your sleep and hence you have to deal with those stains as soon as possible. We are sure you will immediately look up for mattress blood stain removal tips to deal with it.

So here is a detailed guide with mattress blood stain removal tips for mattresses at your home and make them germ-free. So let’s see what you should be doing!

Mattress Blood Stain Removal Tips Explained

Treating the Blood Stain

The first and foremost thing you have to do is treat the blood stain as soon as you notice it. Blot the stained area using a cold and damp cloth to remove excess blood. If possible, try to get a white cloth to do this to avoid the potential leaching of coloured dye from clothes. Start by removing the removable cover if your mattress has one and blotting the stain on the mattress cover and the material beneath it. Blotting blood stains with cold water is the best way to make sure the stain does not stay forever.

One thing you should take care of while doing this is not to overwet the mattress or its cover. If you apply too much water, it will probably soak into the bed, thereby causing mould and mildew in just a few days. Mould and mildew appear very soon on latex foam and memory foam mattresses if you apply too much water. Another thing you have to do is rub the mattress as it can force the stain deep into the mattress and destroy it. The next step while treating the stain is blotting the stain using a clean and dry cloth until there is no blood to come off the mattress.

Cleaning the Blood Stain

After you have removed the fresh blood and when even a little of it is not present on the mattress anymore, you are ready to clean the stained area. And for that, you will have to use a cleaning solution. You can easily pick a stain remover like a natural enzyme cleaner from stores, or choose to use a homemade cleaning solution. Here are some of those you can consider using.

Hydrogen peroxide, cornstarch and salt Make a paste using a tablespoon of table salt, half a cup of corn starch and a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide. Combine all of these until it becomes a smooth paste. Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide has the potential to damage foam mattresses. Therefore, you should only apply it on innerspring mattresses.
Dish soap and water Make a mixture by adding half a cup of mild dish soap and two or three tablespoons of water and mixing them well until it gets foamy.
Ammonia and cold water You can make an effective cleaning solution by mixing a tablespoon of ammonia in a cup of cold water and using it on your mattress to remove stains.
Baking soda and water A paste made by mixing a part of baking soda and two parts of water is an effective cleaning remedy to get rid of blood stains.

Cleaning the Blood Stain on the Mattress

Now let’s see how to get rid of blood stains on the mattress with one of these cleaning remedies. Apply the paste of your choice to the stained area using your fingertips. If you prefer using a liquid cleaner on the mattress, do it using a clean damp rug. Massage the cleaning agent into the stain gently until you cover the area with it.

The solutions made of ammonia and vinegar have high water content. Therefore, you must dip a clean cloth into the cleaner and apply it to the stain. You can also use a spray bottle to lightly spray the mixture over the stained area on the mattress. Make sure that the cleaned area doesn’t get overwet. Let it sit for half an hour- we are buying some time for it to break down the proteins in the blood to make its removal easier.

The next thing you have to do is scrub the stained area using a damp cloth or a new toothbrush. You will begin to see that the stain starts to vanish. Once you’ve had a satisfying scrubbing, clean the excess blood stain using a clean cloth. Blot the material and clean it with the cloth until you remove all the cleaner from the surface. Wash the mattress cover in a washing machine after getting rid of the excess cleaner. You can use warm water on a gentle washing cycle to clean the mattress.

Steam Cleaning Mattresses

Steam-cleaners and wet/dry vacuums are great choices to use on stained mattresses to clean them. Steam helps in the effective removal of sweat, urine and blood from beds. You may use a steamer that has got no cleaning solutions as they contain toxins that get confined inside the mattress. You can opt for a steamer that uses hot water for steam to clean mattresses.

Drying the Cleaned Area of the Mattress

You can dry most types of mattress covers on a low heat setting or by hanging them. Dry the cleaned area with a clean and dry cloth if your mattress doesn’t have a removable cover. Lay the cloth over the cleaned area of the mattress and press on it to absorb moisture. Also, make sure that you keep all the windows in the room open while the mattress is drying. It helps in better air circulation and makes drying faster. You can also point your fan towards the mattress to speed up drying.

Preventing Stains on Mattresses at Home

Now let’s see how you can prevent the occurrence of stains.

Get a Mattress Protector:
Getting a mattress protector is a good way to keep stains out of mattresses at home. By using a protector, your mattress stays clean for several years. Spills and accidents are likely to occur often, so investing in a mattress protector will prevent mattresses from permanent ruin.

Mattress protectors are very soft and durable and they are made of breathable materials such as jersey cotton. They promote air circulation and let the surface of the mattresses stay cool and comfortable. While choosing a protector, see that you go for one that is free of harmful chemicals and flame inhibitors.

Buy mattresses with washable covers:
If you are concerned about getting your mattress stained often, consider buying mattresses with washable covers that are machine washable. These covers help keep your mattresses in good condition for many years. They also help you get rid of dust and pet dander easily.

How to Deep Clean Your Mattresses?

Using a wet/dry vacuum or a steam cleaner is a good way to deep clean your mattresses. You can use a vacuum with an upholstery hose attachment to clean your mattress. Follow by sprinkling some amount of baking soda to absorb any foul smell the mattress has and leave it for fifteen minutes. You can follow the cleaning by vacuuming the baking soda after that.

If you want to go on and read in detail about how to deep clean your mattresses at home, click here to read our detailed guide on how to deep clean your mattresses the right way.

Get Quality Mattress Cleaning Service in Singapore

When it comes to mattress cleaning and stain removal, you might get a little confused about whether you should do it on your own. If you’re worried these mattress blood stain removal tips may not solve the issue, why don’t you get in touch with the Sendhelper, to take care of it for you? Book our mattress cleaning service on the Sendhelper app or website.